Is Bitcoin Core at Risk?

Hey fam,

Something odd happened in the Bitcoin forum on February 27.

A developer posted a pretty unnerving message.

He suggested that the development process of Bitcoin Core could be secretly tampered with. It's kind of like a Trojan horse in the code.

Should we be taking this seriously? Is Bitcoin Core really at risk? We've done a bit of digging and found some intriguing stuff.

It all started with a post by Antoine Riard, a highly esteemed developer and researcher in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

He shared a message on the Staker News forum, where he exposed some alarming practices within the Bitcoin Core development process.

He mentioned vulnerabilities, technical flaws in the code of some recent proposed changes to Bitcoin Core.

And it seems like his concerns have gone unanswered.

That's odd, isn't it? Normally, no one makes code changes until all legitimate concerns have been addressed.

And, we don't usually sneak code into production on a quiet Friday night.

There's also another point of concern.

It appears that some development discussions are being moved to private groups. That doesn't sound very open source, does it?

Anyway, this whole thing is really strange. We're going to keep digging and we'll keep you updated.

In the meantime, stay alert and feel free to share your thoughts on this matter.

See you later,