The hare and the tortoise

“There's no point in running, you just have to start on time.”

In the world of cryptocurrencies, reminiscent of Jean de La Fontaine's fable of the hare and the tortoise, where perseverance and patience triumph over confidence and speed, there have been significant discussions among major players in the sector.

These exchanges, akin to the hare's preparation for its race, involved renowned companies such as 21 Shares, Hashtags, Bitwise, and VanEck.

These giants, ready to sprint forward, will start their real work next week, with numerous meetings planned to present these products to advisors and clients.

This period is exhilarating for Bitcoin, mirroring the excitement at the start of the race between the hare and the tortoise.

However, similar to the fable, immediate results are unlikely.

The process is gradual: people must first understand what Bitcoin is, and then convince their clients.

This path, much like the tortoise's slow but steady progress, will probably take about six months to truly begin.

The crucial point is that the dialogue has started.

Even though the price of Bitcoin has dropped today, what lies ahead in the coming weeks could surprise many observers.

Therefore, stay alert. Information will be shared to keep everyone informed of the latest developments.

If questions arise or there is a desire for further exploration, do not hesitate to make contact for more information.

Spoiler alert: the turtle wins in the end.