Keep pushing

Hey there,

Blockchain, DeFi, trading... it's all a bit much, isn't it?

Let me give it to you straight: to really make it, forget about all that complexity.

Focus on what's real: work hard and never give up.

23 gold medals for Michael Phelps.

Over 200 billion dollars net worth for Elon Musk.

They didn't build their success on fairy tales and rainbows.

Nope. They thrived on the fear of failure, not the love of success.

The secret?

Use pain, anger, and frustration as your fuel.

Life is full of ups and downs.

But you know what?

Embrace them and keep moving forward.

Let go of this obsession with happiness and passion.

Want to escape poverty? Just take action.

So, the next time you face a hurdle, don't try to dodge it.

Tackle it head-on and use your anger to overcome it.

Negative emotions are allies, not enemies.

In short: forget about happiness, work hard and keep moving.

Happiness will come... or it won't.

But at least, you'll have achieved something.

Keep pushing, my friend.