True decentralization

Good old Jacques again,

Security. Decentralization. Permissionless.

Familiar words?

Well, if not, buckle up, because you're about to get a crash course in MVC DAO and POW.

What's MVC DAO you ask?

It's a model that uses the blockchain's POW for top-notch security.

A chain is only as secure as the effort to attack it.

That’s the raw truth.

So, how do we make it more secure?

By making it costlier to attack.

Economics 101, buddy: the more something costs, the less likely it is to be consumed.

And what's so special about POW?

It's completely "permissionless".

You can become a block producer, no sweat.

No asking for permission, no groveling at someone's feet.

All you need is mining machines and electricity.

Sure, you could argue that's a form of permission.

But trust me, it’s the most decentralized form you'll find.

And the more decentralized, the better.

Unless you want to go back to the Stone Age of centralization.

POW has two killer advantages:

One, it separates the block producers from the key users.

You know, the big shots like exchanges and wallets.

That means a fair playing field, where no one can turn their business advantage into a protocol advantage.

Two, it creates checks and balances among developers, users, and consensus nodes.

Everyone keeps everyone else in line.

So, to sum up: MVC DAO + POW = Maximum Security.

Stay alive.