Unlock New Knowledge with YouTube Videos


I wanted to chat about something that's been on my mind for a while.

You know how much I love learning new stuff, right?

Well, I've found a method that really works for me.

I start by heading over to YouTube.

Yes, you heard right, YouTube!

I look for the most popular videos on the topic I'm interested in.

They're not always the most in-depth, but they give a good general overview.

Then, I jot down all the concepts I don't understand.

And I look for videos on those specific concepts.

I create a little mind-map of the topic.

And then?

I move on to phase 2.

I order books.

No, no, there's no need to read them cover to cover.

I skim through them, hunting for the information that interests me.

And then, I start asking questions.

Lots and lots of questions.

I even go as far as paying to talk to experts.

And you know what?

It works!

I discover things that shed light on my readings, my videos.

And then, I move on to the update phase.

I keep learning about the topic.

I make videos, I teach classes.

And I update my knowledge.

Sounds a bit crazy, doesn't it?

But it works for me.

That's why I'm writing this newsletter, by the way.

And how about you, how do you learn new things?

Catch you later,