Yes man experience

Hey there,

Ever wondered how to structure your life for an interesting ride? 

Let's dive right in.

It's not about grand stories, extravagant travels, or a life of luxury. 

It's about saying "yes". 

Yes to opportunities. Yes to adventure. Yes to uncertainty.

It's fascinating, isn't it?

Most of the time, the crazy things that happen are because at some point, I said yes. 

Yes, where normally I would have said no and moved on.

It's as simple as that.

Remember the movie "Yes Man" with Jim Carrey?

It beautifully encapsulates this idea.

If you're on the brave side of the force and you say yes, wild stories happen. 

And it happens fast.

The slightest travel, you say yes. The slightest detour, you say yes. The party you weren't planning to attend, you say yes.

And by saying yes, you embrace a lot of mess. 

Because often it's boring, but the times it's not, it's impossible to predict the craziness.

The craziness comes to you when you're in the right disposition to receive it.

That's what lifestyle design is all about.

But remember, this isn't for everyone. 

Some people are content with a calm life, reducing their living standards. 

And that's perfectly okay.

But if you're like me, you believe in the power of saying "yes". 

So, are you ready to start saying yes to life?

It's time to answer that question:

Are you going to buy more $SPACE?


PS: Tell me your “yes man” experience exp